Learn the 10 Step
Pilates Client Journey

That will change your Pilates Business forever

View this course at your convenience & maximise the potential lifetime value of your Pilates clientele

Learn the details of the most effective assets that ensure a frictionless Pilates client sales journey.  
Create these successful processes so you can repeat them time and time again with your Pilates clients.
Attract, nurture, sell, orientate, upsell and build the right connections with your Pilates clients so they are raving referrers for your Pilates business. 

View this course at your convenience & maximise the potential lifetime value of your Pilates clientele

Learn the details of the most effective assets that ensure a frictionless Pilates client sales journey.  
Create these successful processes so you can repeat them time and time again with your Pilates clients.
Attract, nurture, sell, orientate, upsell and build the right connections with your Pilates clients so they are raving referrers for your Pilates business. 

Processes that work

Cut through all the marketing noise and access these world best practice processes, that are already proven & being used repeatedly and profitably in some of the best Pilates studios.

Save your time

Find out now what has taken us years to develop.  Yes, we may be a bit slow, but that does not mean that you have to be 🙂  
Use your time to do more of what you love.

Build real value

These (mostly) automated assets, will build fantastic value for your Pilates business over the coming years.  Don't miss out on bringing that value into your business & your life. 

We have developed these Pilates client journey assets, via continuous improvement over the last 21 years.  Now we are sharing them with you, so that we can all grow the size and quality of the authentic Pilates Studio industry.  

Pilates, when delivered properly, can change the lives of our clients.  

We all contribute so much to the Pilates industry and it is only right that we educate ourselves with the best information available, to grow the financial success and fulfill the purpose of our Pilates businesses around the world.  

david gunther -  Owner Pilates Can & Pilates Business

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